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EMPower your fertility journey

Utilize the power of mindfulness strategies to support and strengthen you as you try to conceive. At Mindful Wellbeing Pathways, we work together with you to cultivate your calm, improve mental wellness, and amplify the mind-body connection so you can confidently navigate your path to parenthood..


What we can do for you


online empowerment course

This self-paced course teaches the basics of mindfulness and how to incorporate it into your path to parenthood. Tons of videos, journaling prompts and exercises.


personalized fertilIty meditation

1:1 personalized meditations are perfect before your IUI, egg retrieval, transfer, and during the 2 week wait. All customized to your needs and experiences.

Responding to
Life Podcast

Join this free private community of people trying to conceive for real-time support moderated by me with a mindfulness emphasis.


ttc meditation recordings

Need support throughout your cycle or just at certain times, take these fertility recordings with you to all your appointments and procedures to feel uplifted.

client lovin’


fertility mindfulness tools

Online Empowering Your Fertility Journey Course

In this self-paced online course, you will learn the basics of fertility mindfulness strategies. You will evolve your meditation skills via guided instruction and explore your awareness through journaling prompts and exercises.


1:1 Personalized Fertility Meditations

This 30-minute personalized 1:1 fertility meditation session will uplift and calm you so that you can face the challenges of trying to conceive feeling strengthened and supported.

Suggested times to schedule this 1:1 meditation is before/after an IUI, IVF, FET, egg retrieval or other big fertility events that can bring on an onslaught of stress.

During this one on one time, you can customize your experience based on your emotional needs and your meditation experience.


Trying to Conceive Meditation Recordings —

These meditation recordings are the perfect self-care tool to have during your fertility journey. The recordings are geared specifically for people trying to conceive.

Listen to them while you are waiting in the doctor’s office, at the lab, during an ultrasound, and during your two week wait. These recordings will help you establish a daily practice so you can access your inner calm quickly when need be. The recordings can be purchased individually or as a package.



Read fertility articles I’ve written